10 Chiropractic PPC Ad Types To Try

In the competitive world of chiropractic care, leveraging Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can significantly boost your practice’s online visibility and patient acquisition. Traditional marketing methods of the past tend to be broad, expensive, and have a low conversion rate. Digital marketing can give a chiropractic business a competitive edge.

PPC for most chiropractors involves paying for ads that appear on search engine results pages (SERPs) or other online platforms, driving targeted traffic to your website. This article explores ten effective chiropractic PPC ad types that can help you attract new patients and grow your practice.

From search ads to social media ads, each PPC ad type offers unique benefits and strategies—understanding the differences will help you create PPC ads that work best for you. By understanding and implementing these ad types, you can create comprehensive chiropractic PPC campaigns that maximize your advertising spend and delivers impressive results.

1. Search Ads

What Are Search Ads?

Search ads are the most common form of PPC advertising, appearing at the top or bottom of search engine results pages (SERPs). When potential patients search for keywords like “chiropractor near me” or “chiropractic services,” your ad can appear prominently, driving high-intent traffic to your website. These ads are triggered by specific keywords, ensuring they reach users actively searching for chiropractic care.

Benefits of Search Ads for Chiropractors

Search ads offer several benefits for chiropractic practices. These are targeted ads, identifying users with a high intent to find chiropractic services, and increasing the likelihood of conversions. Additionally, search ads can be tailored to specific keywords relevant to your practice, improving ad relevance and click-through rates. By bidding on the best keywords and crafting compelling ad copy, you can attract more potential patients to your practice with this simple PPC campaign.

Best Practices for Search Ads

To maximize the effectiveness of search ads, use relevant keywords for search engines that potential patients are likely to search for. Craft compelling ad copy that highlights the benefits of your chiropractic services and includes a strong call to action (CTA). Regularly monitor and adjust your bids to ensure your ads remain competitive and cost-effective.

2. Display Ads

What Are Display Ads?

Display ads are visual advertisements that appear across the Google Display Network, which includes millions of websites, apps, and videos. These ads can be in the form of images, banners, or interactive media, capturing the attention of users as they browse online. Display ads are an excellent way to utilize google ads, increase brand awareness and reach a broader audience.

Benefits of Display Ads for Chiropractors

For chiropractors, display ads are beneficial in building brand recognition and reaching potential patients who may not be actively searching for services. These ads can also be used for retargeting, reminding previous website visitors of your practice and encouraging them to return. Display ads can effectively complement search ads by capturing interest at different stages of the patient journey.

Best Practices for Display Ads

Create eye-catching visuals that resonate with your target audience and clearly communicate your chiropractic services. Use targeting options to ensure your ads reach the right audience, such as demographics, interests, and behaviors. A/B test different ad creatives to determine which ones perform best and optimize accordingly.

3. Local Service Ads

What Are Local Service Ads?

Local service ads (LSAs) are a type of PPC ad designed to promote local businesses, including chiropractic practices. These ads appear at the top of Google search results with a “Google Guaranteed” badge, instilling trust and credibility—a great way to find not only more patients, but loyal patients. LSAs operate on a pay-per-lead model, meaning you only pay when a potential patient contacts you through the ad.

Benefits of Local Service Ads for Chiropractors

Local service ads are particularly effective for chiropractors because they target local patients actively seeking care. The “Google Guaranteed” badge increases trust, making users more likely to click on your ad. Additionally, the pay-per-lead model ensures you only pay for actual patient inquiries, making LSAs a cost-effective advertising option.

Best Practices for Local Service Ads

Ensure your business information is accurate and up to date, and encourage satisfied patients to leave reviews. These reviews can enhance your ad’s credibility and attract more leads. Monitor your ad performance regularly and make necessary adjustments to improve lead quality and volume.

4. Video Ads

What Are Video Ads?

Video ads are promotional videos that appear on platforms like YouTube and other video networks. These ads can be skippable or non-skippable and are often displayed before, during, or after video content. Video ads provide an engaging way to showcase your chiropractic services and connect with potential patients through visual storytelling.

Benefits of Video Ads for Chiropractors

Video ads allow chiropractors to demonstrate their expertise, showcase patient testimonials, and highlight the benefits of their services. These ads can capture viewers’ attention more effectively than text or image ads, leading to higher engagement rates and convert more patients. Video ads also enhance brand awareness and can be a powerful tool in building trust and credibility with your audience.

Best Practices for Video Ads

Create informative and engaging videos that address common patient concerns and highlight the unique aspects of your practice. Use strong calls to action to encourage viewers to visit your website or book an appointment. Target specific demographics and interests to ensure your ads reach the most relevant audience.

5. Social Media Ads

What Are Social Media Ads?

Social media ads are PPC ads displayed on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These ads can be in various formats, including images, videos, carousels, and stories. Social media ads are an excellent way for chiropractors to engage with potential patients on platforms they use daily, increasing brand visibility and driving traffic to your website.

Benefits of Social Media Ads for Chiropractors

Social media ads enable chiropractors to reach a broad audience and target users based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. These ads can foster engagement, encourage sharing, and create a sense of community around your practice. Social media platforms also offer robust analytics, allowing you to track ad performance and make data-driven adjustments.

Best Practices for Social Media Ads

Craft visually appealing and relevant ads that resonate with your target audience. Use precise targeting options to reach the most relevant users and utilize retargeting strategies to re-engage previous visitors. Regularly monitor your ad performance and adjust your strategies based on the insights gained.

6. Remarketing Ads

What Are Remarketing Ads?

Remarketing ads are a type of PPC ad that targets users who have previously visited your website or interacted with your content. These ads follow users across the web, reminding them of your chiropractic services and encouraging them to return. Remarketing ads are an effective way to re-engage potential patients and increase conversion rates.

Benefits of Remarketing Ads for Chiropractors

Remarketing ads help chiropractors stay top-of-mind with potential patients who have shown interest in their services. These ads can increase brand recall and encourage users to complete actions they may have previously abandoned, such as booking an appointment. Remarketing ads also offer high conversion rates as they target users who are already familiar with your practice.

Best Practices for Remarketing Ads

Segment your audience based on their interactions with your website, such as page visits or time spent on site. Tailor your ad messages to address the specific interests and needs of each segment. Use frequency caps to avoid overexposing users to your ads, ensuring they remain effective and engaging.

7. Call-Only Ads (Pay Per Call)

What Are Call-Only Ads?

Call-only ads are a type of PPC ad that focuses on generating phone calls rather than website visits. These ads appear on mobile devices with a clickable phone number, making it easy for potential patients to call your practice directly. Call-only ads are ideal for chiropractors looking to drive immediate patient inquiries and appointments.

Benefits of Call-Only Ads for Chiropractors

Call-only ads provide a direct connection between potential patients and your practice, encouraging immediate action. These ads are particularly effective for users searching for urgent care or same-day appointments. Call-only ads can also help track the effectiveness of your ad campaigns by measuring the volume and quality of phone inquiries.

Best Practices for Call-Only Ads

Use compelling ad copy that highlights the benefits of calling your practice and includes a strong call to action. Ensure your phone number is prominently displayed and easy to click. Set up call tracking to measure the success of your call-only ads and optimize your campaigns based on the data collected.

8. Google Shopping Ads

What Are Google Shopping Ads?

Google Shopping ads are a type of PPC ad that promotes products directly within search results. These ads display product images, prices, and descriptions, allowing users to compare and purchase items directly from the search page. While primarily used for e-commerce, chiropractors can utilize Google Shopping ads to promote wellness products, supplements, or other retail items.

Benefits of Google Shopping Ads for Chiropractors

For chiropractors who sell wellness products or supplements, Google Shopping ads can drive traffic to their online store and increase sales. These ads provide a visual and informative way to showcase products, attracting potential customers who are actively searching for specific items. Google Shopping ads can complement other PPC campaigns by adding an additional revenue stream.

Best Practices for Google Shopping Ads

Optimize your product listings with high-quality images and detailed descriptions. Use competitive pricing strategies to attract more clicks and conversions. Regularly update your product feed to ensure accurate and up-to-date information is displayed in your ads.

9. Bing Ads

What Are Bing Ads?

Bing Ads are PPC ads that appear on the Bing search engine, similar to Google Ads. While Bing has a smaller market share compared to Google, it still attracts a significant number of users, making it a valuable platform for chiropractic advertising. Bing Ads can help chiropractors reach a different audience and complement their existing PPC campaigns.

Benefits of Bing Ads for Chiropractors

Bing Ads often have lower competition and cost-per-click (CPC) compared to Google Ads, providing an affordable advertising option for chiropractors. These ads can reach a unique audience that may not be using Google, increasing your practice’s visibility. Bing Ads also offer robust targeting options and analytics, allowing you to optimize your campaigns effectively.

Best Practices for Bing Ads

Use relevant keywords and craft tailored ad copy to appeal to Bing users. Leverage Bing-specific features, such as LinkedIn profile targeting, to reach your ideal audience. Monitor your ad performance regularly and adjust your bids and targeting strategies to maximize your return on investment.

10. Sponsored Content

What Is Sponsored Content?

Sponsored content is a form of paid advertising that involves creating and promoting content on various platforms, such as blogs, news sites, or social media. This content is typically informative or educational, providing value to the reader while subtly promoting your chiropractic services. Sponsored content can help build brand authority and engage with a targeted audience.

Benefits of Sponsored Content for Chiropractors

Sponsored content allows chiropractors to showcase their expertise, educate potential patients, and build trust with their audience. This type of advertising can drive organic traffic to your website and improve your practice’s online reputation. Sponsored content also offers opportunities for backlinks and social shares, enhancing your SEO efforts.

Best Practices for Sponsored Content

Create high-quality, informative content that addresses common patient concerns and provides valuable insights. Choose platforms that align with your target audience and have a strong readership. Track the performance of your sponsored content, including metrics like engagement, traffic, and conversions, to refine your strategy.

Choosing the Right PPC Ad Types for Your Chiropractic Practice

Successful digital marketing strategies don’t just happen. Maximum ROI doesn’t just happen. Selecting the right PPC ad types for your chiropractic practice involves understanding your goals, target audience, and budget for ad spend. By experimenting with different ad types, such as search ads, display ads, and social media ads, you can determine which ones yield the best results. Continuously test and optimize your campaigns to improve performance and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

PPC advertising offers numerous opportunities for chiropractors to attract new patients and grow their practice. Start with a few ad types that align with your objectives and expand your strategy as you gain insights and experience. With the right approach, PPC can be a powerful tool in your chiropractic marketing arsenal.

For professional assistance with your PPC campaigns, contact Online Chiro to connect with a PPC strategy curated to your needs and your budget. Our team of experts can help you develop and manage effective advertising strategies tailored to your chiropractic practice and utilizing the best PPC platforms for your needs. Contact us or schedule a consultation to get started.

Reach More Patients With Targeted PPC Ads

Tiffany Beveridge is a seasoned writer and content strategist with over a decade of experience in creating compelling digital content. She believes access to affordable, premium chiropractic care should be available to all people, regardless of status. Tiffany enjoys being able to write content that helps grow chiropractic practices and make it more accessible to all patients. 

Learn More About Tiffany Beveridge

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